Promotion Work

We use following ways to attract new people to join our studies programs,

Newspaper Advertisement

Our major source to get new student is Newspaper Advertisement. Each of our center put at least two or three advertisements in a National newspaper, every month. We have to pay US$100 to 150 for each advert.

Friends Contact Card

Each of our students is provided with “Friends Contact Card” to let them send their friends contact to PBCS. Thus we get many new students through these cards.

Evangelistic Literature Distribution

Evangelistic Literature inserted with Contact Cards is also distributed from time to time in public places.  This is another effective way of obtaining new students.

PBCS Sundays in Churches

PBCS is also very much concerned to remain in strong relationship with our Church. Therefore all of our regional centers often conduct PBCS Sundays in different Churches to keep Churches updated with our work and also to receive their prayer & moral support. Through these programs we also get several new students as well.